#常用VBS小工具: iconv , unix2dos/dos2unix , base64Encode/Decode **目录** [TOC] ##前言 作为一个技术宅,有时候手边没有些随时备用的小工具是不行的,就像下载个游戏说明文档是乱码肿么办?有些配置文件用记事本打开没换行,给它换行之后游戏就无法加载运行了肿么办?有些游戏资源是用`base64`写在配置文档中的肿么办?(额……越往后场景越牵强了……)好吧,收集整理了一些`VBS`小工具,不用安装任何编译器或手动安装解释器,直接存成文本文档改扩展名就能运行,方便快捷,分享出来,或许对更多人有用。另外,代码也简洁易懂,必要时,可以记住方法现写现用,哈哈…… ##文本编码转换工具iconv.vbs 文件:`iconv.vbs` 作用:转换文本编码 使用方式:自己双击运行看帮助吧…… ```VB Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments If oArgs.Count <> 3 Then outStr = "用法: {wscript | cscript} "& Wscript.ScriptName &" fileName fromCode toCode" & vbcrlf outStr = outStr & vbcrlf &"可用的编码方式在注册表“HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Charset”查看" & vbcrlf ' set WSHshell=wscript.createobject("WScript.Shell") ' WScript.Echo WSHshell.RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Charset\") Const HKCR = &H80000000 strPath = "MIME\Database\Charset" Set oReg = GetObject("Winmgmts:\root\default:StdRegProv") oReg.EnumKey HKCR,strPath,arr outStr = outStr & vbcrlf & "可用的编码格式有:" & vbcrlf For Each s In arr outStr = outStr & s & vbtab Next WScript.Echo outStr Else ChangeCode oArgs(0),oArgs(1),oArgs(2) End If Set oArgs = Nothing Function ChangeCode(strFile,code1,code2) Set ADOStrm = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") ADOStrm.Type = 2 ADOStrm.Mode = 3 ADOStrm.CharSet = code1 ADOStrm.Open ADOStrm.LoadFromFile strFile data= ADOStrm.ReadText ADOStrm.Position = 0 ADOStrm.CharSet = code2 ADOStrm.WriteText data ADOStrm.SetEOS ADOStrm.SaveToFile strFile&"_"&code2&".txt", 2 ADOStrm.Close End Function ``` ##Unix换行转DOS/Windows换行工具unix2dos.vbs 文件:`unix2dos.vbs` 作用:将转换文本文档`unix`换行改为`dos`/`windows`换行 使用方式:将要转换的文档拖到该`vbs`脚本图标上即可 ```VB Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments If oArgs.Count <> 1 Then WScript.Echo "用法: {wscript | cscript} "& Wscript.ScriptName &" fileName " & vbcrlf Else Unix2DosFile(oArgs(0)) End If Function Unix2DosFile(filePath) Dim Fso Set Fso = wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Const ForReading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2 Const isCreateNew = True Set f=fso.OpenTextFile(filePath, ForReading, isCreateNew) s=replace(f.ReadAll,vbLf,vbCrLf) ' replace dos to unix format: vbcrlf=chr(13)chr(10) f.Close Set f=fso.OpenTextFile(filePath,ForWriting,isCreateNew) f.Write s f.Close Set f=Nothing Set Fso=Nothing End Function ``` ##DOS/Windows换行转Unix换行工具dos2unix.vbs 文件:`dos2unix.vbs` 作用:将转换文本文档`DOS`/`windows`换行改为`unix`换行 使用方式:将要转换的文档拖到该vbs脚本图标上即可 ```VB Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments If oArgs.Count <> 1 Then WScript.Echo "用法: {wscript | cscript} "& Wscript.ScriptName &" fileName " & vbcrlf Else Dos2UnixFile(oArgs(0)) End If Function Dos2UnixFile(filePath) Dim Fso Set Fso = wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Const ForReading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2 Const isCreateNew = True Set f=fso.OpenTextFile(filePath, ForReading, isCreateNew) s=replace(f.ReadAll,vbCrLf,vbLf) ' replace dos to unix format: vbcrlf=chr(13)chr(10) f.Close Set f=fso.OpenTextFile(filePath,ForWriting,isCreateNew) f.Write s f.Close Set f=Nothing Set Fso=Nothing End Function ``` ##Base64编码转换工具base64Encode.vbs 文件:`base64Encode.vbs` 作用:将文件转换为`base64`编码 使用方式:将要转换的文档拖到该`vbs`脚本图标上即可 ```VB Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments If oArgs.Count <> 1 Then WScript.Echo "用法: {wscript | cscript} "& Wscript.ScriptName &" fileName " & vbcrlf Else hexVal = ReadBinary(oArgs(0)) Call WriteFile_Append(oArgs(0) & "_base64.txt", hexVal) End If Set oArgs=Nothing Function ReadBinary(FileName) Const adTypeBinary = 1 Dim stream, xmldom, node Set xmldom = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") Set node = xmldom.CreateElement("binary") node.DataType = "bin.base64" Set stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") stream.Type = adTypeBinary stream.Open stream.LoadFromFile FileName node.NodeTypedValue = stream.Read stream.Close Set stream = Nothing ReadBinary = node.Text Set node = Nothing Set xmldom = Nothing End Function Public Function WriteFile_Append(pathway,words) Dim fileSystemObj,fileSpec,logFile,way Set fileSystemObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") fileSpec = pathway Set logFile = fileSystemObj.OpenTextFile(fileSpec, 8, true) logFile.WriteLine (CStr(words)) logFile.Close Set logFile = Nothing End Function ``` ##Base64解码转换工具base64Decode.vbs 文件:`base64Decode.vbs` 作用:将`base64`编码的文本文件解码 使用方式:将要转换的文档拖到该`vbs`脚本图标上即可 ```VB Set oArgs = WScript.Arguments If oArgs.Count <> 1 Then WScript.Echo "用法: {wscript | cscript} "& Wscript.ScriptName &" fileName " & vbcrlf Else Conv2Binary(oArgs(0)) End If Set oArgs=Nothing Function Conv2Binary(FileName) Set stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") stream.Type = 2 stream.Mode = 3 stream.CharSet = "ASCII" stream.Open stream.LoadFromFile FileName Dim stream, xmldom, node Set xmldom = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") Set node = xmldom.CreateElement("binary") node.DataType = "bin.base64" node.Text=stream.ReadText stream.Close stream.Type = 1 stream.Mode = 3 stream.Open stream.Position = 0 stream.write node.NodeTypedValue stream.SetEOS stream.SaveToFile FileName & "_decode.txt", 2 stream.Close Set stream = Nothing Set node = Nothing Set xmldom = Nothing End Function ```






